Dps: Remixes And Reflections

Minefield - "Its Too Late (dead poets society)"



We’ve all heard the cliche many times: life is full of surprises. This was never more true for us than during our experience that eventually led us to remix both versions of the track “After the Ball” and “Its Too Late” for Minefield in 2003. When we finished recording The Electric Haze in 2001, I had decided that I would make the album available online  rather than follow the traditional music label route that many bands were still clamoring for, which was to get an A & R guy from a label to notice your band and sell their music label on offering you a deal. Raven and I both knew from experiences of friends and family who had worked in the music industry that this was really not the best way to put out an album, particularly an album that was likely to fit into such a small niche of music. So we explored online, and eventually we settled on mp3.com and CDbaby.Mp3.com had this wonderful music community. Even cooler, they offered on-demand distribution, which would allow you to upload your songs and a