Ontario Craft Brewers' Podcast

Black Oak Brewing Co. & Food (Part 2)



For part two of the Ontario Brewer Podcast feature on Black Oak Brewing Co, Chef Howard Dubrovsky from Live and Breathe Restaurant, in Toronto, has prepared two appetizers to pair with the Black Oak Pale Ale and the Black Oak Double Chocolate Cherry Stout. He joins Mirella and Black Oak Brewery president Ken Woods for a tasting of these two beers alongside his appetizers. Chef Howard takes some time to explain why beer pairs well with food, and points out traits to look for in beer when pairing it with food. Ken also shares new sexy technique that brewmaster Simon daCosta devised this year, to brew the Double Chocolate Cherry Stout. A special thanks to our partner for this podcast: Chef Howard Dubrovsky from Live and Breathe Restaurant. Recipes for Chef Howard’s appetizers are available on the Recipes section of the OCB Website. Located in the heart of Toronto’s Little Italy, Live and Breathe (also known as LAB) provides a unique dining experience, bridging the best of classic Italian cooking techniques and m