Rich Cleaner Podcast

Your 3 Seconds to Wealth



In this episode, Timothy Paulson shares how the first 3 seconds of any marketing can lead to wealth when done right, or failure when done poorly.  Show Notes A tribute to the late Dan Kennedy. You only get ONE chance to make a first impression. The “3-second rule” to the most powerful marketing.   Your prospects and clients need to know you are speaking to them. Enter the conversation going on in the mind of your clients and prospect. Timothy Paulson’s example of marketing for Chiropractors. The THREE BIG questions you need to ask about every piece of marketing you do. A look at and critique of different websites. To get involved with the ELITE CLEANERS program: com/elite/secureorder.php People Mentioned Joe Polish Dan Kennedy Gary Halbert Robert Collier Eben Pagan  Websites mentioned Rich Cleaner is a program for Cleaners, Restorers and other entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a higher level of success. It’s the place you can go for collaboration, contrib