Encounters With The Good People

128 - A Fairy Thorn & the Coming of Wisdom



How often have you smiled and nodded, then completely ignored the advice of an older, more experienced relative or friend? In the tale of ‘The Fairy Thorn’ from Newfoundland, we find a gentle reminder to acknowledge the experiences and wisdom of those who have come before us: our Elders. When it comes to understanding and keeping ourselves safe from the Good People, we are each of us indebted to our Ancestors and their willingness to trickle wisdom down through the generations so that we do not repeat their mistakes. But what happens when we ignore their wisdom? Sometimes a very long and painful lesson must be learned by a new generation… * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefit