Encounters With The Good People

123 - Your Sightings & Encounters



One of the things I love most about Encounters with the Good People is hearing of your own experiences, sightings or encounters and it always feels such a privilege too. To share our personal experiences is a wonderful way of better understanding the Good People: who or what they are, where they dwell and what their behaviour can tell us about what they might think of us. In this episode we hear 4 incredible encounters sent in from listeners or viewers of Encounters with the Good People. I also invite you to share your own experience of a sighting or encounter with the Good People at my new email address: yourencounterstories@gmail.com * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and c