Encounters With The Good People

121 - The Gancanagh



When is a broken heart more than just a broken heart? “Beware the tunes that touch your heart. The Gancanagh will play the soul Beware, sweet lass, don’t crave his art He’ll pierce your heart and leave a hole.” The Gancanagh, also known as the Love-Talker, is a member of the Good People you best hope you never encounter! He seduces decent, innocent women into falling madly in love with him. Once he has conquered her, the Gancanagh disappears, leaving her to pine her life away (literally!). You know the old saying “it’s the quiet ones you want to watch”, well this applies perfectly to the Gancanagh, he wreaks havoc subtlety, in sweet whispers. And this perhaps is why he has been able to ply his particular trade for so very long. In this episode we ponder if the Gancanagh not only enjoys, but is nourished by, the misery and torment he causes. I hope you can join me for the chat. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good