Encounters With The Good People

118- 3 Tales from the Dark Forest



“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul” John Muir Forests are one of the best places to find ourselves, and if you’re so inclined, the good people too. Our remaining glorious forests are one of the last refuges for not only the creatures we know well, but also the very many creatures who have remained elusive to us these many ages, some of whom we have come to understand as members of the good people. So today, let’s share 3 tales of brief and strange encounters with a few of these elusive creatures who dwell within the protection of forests to this very day. * PATREONTo celebrate 2 years of our Podcast (yay! did someone say cake?...), I am delighted to launch ‘Encounters with the Good People’ Patreon. If you enjoy my podcast and videos, please consider becoming a Patron, and supporting me on Patreon.There are 4 levels or tiers within our Patreon, the first begins at only $3 per month and each level offers additional benefits and content. These range from:having your name included in