Encounters With The Good People

79 - Faerie and the Afterlife



The Afterlife: It’s perfectly complicated.We think we know a bit about it, but do we really?There may be so much more to learn. In this episode, Kitty asks you to put your notion of the Afterlife to the side, just for a bit. Through tale and poems, we take an entirely non-morbid look at death and what may follow after.Together we discover that the Good People might play a part in ‘life’ after death for many Humans and ponder:how the Good People decide which Humans will stay with them after they have died?if Humans we regard as ‘Spirits’ live on among Faerie, what does that tell us about Faerie?is it time we take a fresh look at the notion of ‘Faerie’ and ‘Death’?Join Kitty for a chat on this most curious topic.*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’ (I prefer tea actually...).This is a really quick, simple and safe way for you to donate and support my work. Simply click on the ‘Buy m