Getting Back To Gotham

announcement - no audio see description



Some of you may already know, but 1MoreRound Entertainment has been in the process of moving our podcasts to a new hosting service over the last few weeks. There are many reasons for this move, mainly so we can have separate XML/RSS feeds for each shows making it easier to find the shows they want on services such as itunes. We are also merging with Nervous Dog Productions, whose founder and owner is Johnny, which will now publish its shows under the 1MoreRound banner as well helping expand the reach of both audiences and providing much more content. The past few years on soundcloud have been great and the community has been great to us, so we hope you will all still follow us at We also are in the process of completing our website, its live now but we may change the look a bit before we finalize it. You can find links to our pod's and videos along with our social media accounts. Soon there will also be blog posts to go along with the shows. the website can be