Dancing With Elephants

DWE Minuet: Colds and Advent Calendars



It's time once again for a DWithE Minuet. This time it's Colds and Advent Calendars. Items featured on this week's show: LEGO Advent Calendar Kinder Adventkalender 2008 at germandeli.com Grant's Video Advent Calendar Improvatorium Improve Troupe Patrick Bristow on imdb.com Free Voice Mails at K7.net ...And Baby Makes 5 Jalapeno Designs Our New Listener Line Number: 1-206-I AM CRAB or 1-206-426-2722 Please Digg us by Digging Dancing With Elephants on Digg.com. Please check out and send links to DWitheE's Bookmarks on del.icio.us. Give us a call at 1-206-426-2722 Write us at: greg@dwithe.com, tonya@dwithe.com, nikolai@dwithe.com or caleb@dwithe.com Next Week: Lots of Cold Medicine. Until then, keep an eye on the center ring.