Dancing With Elephants

DWE Listener Feedbag for Episode 063



Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedback Show for Episode 063. Feedback Roll Call: Dale of Tech Talk For Families has a comment about the term Pollack, Assyrian Churches on sale at Amazon, and Nik counting to 10 in Assyrian. Check out Tech Talk For Families Episode 7 for an interview with Grant and Doug of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd. Cory of Maryland called to tell us about all the stuff she's discovered about cicadas. Mr. Bob of Akela's Adventure emailed us with the Geocaching Guidelines. Chuck of chuckchat.com called with 5, count 'em 5 voicemails. Also we use MacFamilyTree Software to organize our Family Tree. Paul emailed us with a link to The Ossuary which is a church made with human bones and talk about Poutine. Congratulations to Paul and his wife, Katherine on the birth of their daughter, Kira, born July 4th. Also, if you hanker for some good pierogies, check out Kasia's Deli. Amy M of South Carolina emailed to say she's with Greg, Peanut Butter and Chocolate make the best ice c