Dancing With Elephants

DWE Listener Feedbag for Episode 057



Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedback Show for Episode 057. New Let Them Hear You Contest Announcements: We are in the final hours of the Let Them Hear You Contest, so get those reviews in NOW!!!. Feedback Roll Call: Mike of KidsWifeWorkLife called to tell us it is called a Zoetrope. Jim of Iowa wrote to tell us how much fun his family had with us at the zoo. We had a great time also. Kory of Maryland called to tell Tonya about two wheeled Heelys. Papabear wrote to let us know that he already has Mike and my vacation already planned while our wives vacation on their own. Matt of Northern California called tell us he's a Doctor Who newbie and Greg told him to watch Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death. He also mentioned that Greg is an odd sort telling Nik to take his time while Greg ran through the zoo. Chuck of chuckchat.com called to also tell Greg that he was a contradiction of biblical proportions and more on the Zoetrope. Drew of Connecticut wrote to discuss SCUBA diving and send