Dancing With Elephants

DWE Listener Feedback for Episode 054



Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedback Show for Episode 054. New Let Them Hear You Contest Announcements: Clinton of comedy4cast has donated a Large comedy4cast Coffee Mug to be include in the Runner-Up Prize Package. Check it out here. And PD Love of The DaddyCast has a Special Prize if the winner of the Let Them Hear You Contest is a listener of The DaddyCast. Check it out by listening to TDC-090 Etiquette for play dates. Feedback Roll Call:Jen of the The Dinkycast called to let us know that they don't pinch in Cleveland on Saint Patrick's Day... Too bad she an Alan are moving to Chicago where we have that rule. Paul from Alberta Canada wrote to let us know he has finally caught up and heard every episode of DWithE... To him it is a sad day, to us we're simply astonished that he accomplished this feat.Amy M of South Carolina wrote with a recipe for left over Peeps and to tell us that her daughter wants to join Dr. Floyd's Imagination Nation Rangers.Matt, Dawn, Emily, and Makenzy sent us an audio clip to t