Dancing With Elephants

DWE Listener Feedback for Episode 044



Dancing With Elephants Listener Feedback Show for Episode 044. Feedback Roll Call: Dan Johnson of the Daniel Johnson, Jr called twice, once to throw salt in the Chicago Bears wound and then complain about the snow. You can find Dan's new song at Jazzmania Productions. Tina of tina-m.com sent in some hate mail for Greg. Greg Lemmon of Myth Show Podcast wrote to tell us that living in a house with a wife and three daughters may have affected his Sex ID. Jen of the Dinkycast wrote to discuss cold medicine and ask about Caleb's Vote for DWithE for the Parenting Podcast Peer Award audio clip which you can download here. Jim of Iowa wrote to agree with Jen, that Caleb's Vote for DWithE promotion was cute. Drew of Connecticut wrote to tell how driving and talking on a cell phone allowed him to give $100 to the state of Connecticut... Not his first choice. Bob from Michigan wrote to say that they just took down their Christmas Tree and that he recommends Stash Tea. Finally, JamesB of Face the Music and The N