Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#194 – Christy Medina (Let’s talk Marathons!)



In this episode I speak with my longtime friend, Christy Medina.  Christy just completed the Chicago marathon in October of 2021.  We speak about her experiences training leading up to the event, how the marathon went, cool things she did while in Chicago and much more!   The Spun Today Podcast is a Podcast that is anchored in Writing, but unlimited in scope.  Give it a whirl.    Twitter: https://twitter.com/spuntoday Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spuntoday/ Website: http://www.spuntoday.com/home Newsletter: http://www.spuntoday.com/subscribe   Links referenced in this episode:   Follow Christy on Instagram: @never_minding_   Check out the Chicago Marathon: https://www.chicagomarathon.com/   New York Road Runners: https://www.nyrr.org/run/race-calendar?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-K2MBhC-ARIsAMtLKRvjSZ7EBjz_IYC59d_9yLZM-3IjEqB9V9EgOh2G_zZJd1Tlvl8ql8kaAvG9EALw_wcB   Check out photos that Christy shared with us, on the episode webpage:   Highland Park in Brooklyn: https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/highland-park/highl