Dinner For One

S5: Ep 1 Tender Love & Fried Chicken



It’s been almost 4 years since I started the podcast. In 2018 I was very much on a ‘no boys allowed’ train. I needed to get my shit together by myself and was very wary of falling into the trap of using a relationship to help me. Time has passed, things have changed and now for the first time I find myself in a place where I think I *may* actually be ready to open myself to the possibility of falling in love again. I’m ready to share everything I’ve learned about myself, my mature outlook on love and life, essentially a new and improved Sue B with the lucky bugger that captures my heart. In this first episode of season 5, I cook a finger-licking good, stick to your bones, make you feel warm and cozy fried chicken and herb-infused mashed potatoes while talking about love. Specifically, I talk about how my idea of love has evolved, I randomly share what I consider my first love (hint: it was in Jamaica and I was like 3 years old haha)  and I go on a few tangents but it all makes sense in the end….trust me. Thro