Handwritten Theatre

Handwritten Theatre Eighteen: "He changed his mind..."



"The very act of storytelling, of arranging memory and invention according to the structure of narrative is, by definition, holy."-James CarrollAmerican RequiemHandwritten Theatre Eighteen: "He changed his mind about what he wanted to read in bed and went back into the living room looking for a particular short story."Running Time: 10:16All Audiences.Salutations to Reynolds Price on the anniversary of his birth.1 February, 1933"I sleep long nights with few hard dreams, and now I've outlived both my parents. Even my handwriting looks very little like the script of the man I was in June of '84. Cranky as it is, it's taller, more legible, with more air and stride. It comes down the arm of a grateful man."-Reynolds Price A Whole New Life