Pragmatic Cso Podcast

Pragmatic CSO Podcast #23 - Picking the Right Product



This week we'll focus on the 2nd half of Step 6: Buying Security Products, which get down and dirty in picking the product. We've already engaged with a long list of potential vendors (we discussed that last week) and now it's time to figure out what will work for you. Next we do a bake-off and actually test the products under real world conditions. Then we develop our short list (based on products that can meet the need), then we get to negotiate. Get out your bat because that's what you'll be using. Finally the selection should be obvious if you've done the other steps correctly. If you didn't get the Buying Security Products ebook, you can sign up for the Daily Incite email newsletter. If you read TDI via a blog feed, just send me an email and I'll forward the guide over to you. Running time: 6:56 Intro music is Jungle and to close the show I bust out a classic from the Pure Funk age called "Pick Up The Pieces" from the Average White Band. Yes, you remember it. Yes, you love it. Get funky!