Need Project Podcast

The Heart of the Caregiver with Mary Tutterow



Mary works to help caregivers connect and understand they are not alone. On the Heart of the Caregiver Study: • God wants us to understand that He did not do this TO us. There is something wonderful and good that He wants to do THROUGH us. This is the paradigm shift, the point of transformation, the essence of this study. We are going to see ourselves, our situation, and the person we are caring for in a new way – through the light of God’s amazing love. • For caregivers, there are at least six obstacles that seem to constantly thwart our ability to let go and trust God-the study unpacks them all: o Doubt. o Another obstacle to trusting God is believing that we are in control. o The disease of disability seems to be in total control. There are many days that it is hard not to believe that the disease or disability is on the throne of our lives instead of God. o The fourth obstacle that we are going to discuss that gets in the way of our fully trusting God is FEAR. o