Cafe Seoul: Expat Life In Korea

Cafe Seoul 2017 08 04 511 Cut for the Very First Time



After a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long period of being very very very very very busy, Eugene has actually finally found time to edit this episode.  Rydia is back and our subject today is plastic surgery.But rather than criticize all the people in Korea getting it, we are discussing why Rydia made the decision to get it in the first place. During the initial banter of this episode we got some letters from Dave and from Kathleen. Dave's letter sparked a discussion on Western remakes of Asian films. Kathleen's letter caused us to discuss foreigner privilege in Korean settings.News of the Weird:-(Korea Herald) Rural village in Korea exposed to nudist resort-(Huffington Post) - Blogger Praises K-Beauty While Calling Asians ‘Ching Chongs’ In ‘Funny Clothes’-(BBC) - TV host's race jokes spark Brazil-Korea online warRydia Kim was once a co-host on Café Seoul, and she's r