New York City Bar

Workers - Sexual Harassment & the Law: A Call to Action for Lawyers in the Era of #MeToo



Part 3: Challenges and Strategies for Low-Wage and Immigrant Workers in Reporting Harassment - Where Criminal, Administrative, and Regulatory Remedies Intersect Sexual Harassment & the Law: A Call to Action for Lawyers in the Era of #MeToo Speakers: Danielle Alvarado, Daniela Contreras, Rebecca Nathanson, Hon. Laura Safer Espinoza, Marrisa Senteno, Cristina Velez Topics: Sexual harassment in agricultural work and how to prevent What does sexual harassment look like in domestic workplaces and what rights do domestic workers have that differ from workers in other settings? What is a U visa and how may someone who has been a victim of workplace sexual harassment be eligible? Explanation of anti-retaliation provisions under New York State wage and hour law, and NYDOL’s U visa certification policy. ------------------------------- This program provided a morning plenary addressing the changing legal landscape in the wake of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements and a luncheon discussion around sexual harassment wit