New York City Bar

How to Get on the Ballot in New York City



The program provides an overview of what is sometimes an intimidating process, breaks it down to basics, and provides attendees with an understanding of what is necessary to run for office in New York City. The panel covers topics ranging from evaluating for which offices you are qualified to run, the mechanics of petitioning, the administrative process of filing and defending your petitions at the Board of Elections, and an overview of why and how petitions wind up the subject of court battles. There is also information on a candidate's responsibility to comply with Campaign Finance law, and a review of best practices for setting yourself up for a successful experience with those filings. Speakers: Martin E. Connor, Private election law practitioner, 30 years in the NYS Senate, former NYS Senate Minority Leader, Chair of City Bar Election Law Committee Sarah K. Steiner, Private election law practitioner, Former Chair of City Bar Election Law Committee Douglas A. Kellner, Co-Chair, New York State Board of El