Starseed Radio Academy

Astrological Weather Forecast and Starseed Hotline Expansion



Big things are happening with planetary alignments, and we're excited to hear Riley's report on this!  Riley is one of our excellent team of astrologers at Starseed Hotline, and she has some great insights to help you navigate and benefit from knowing about these energies.  With the current chaotic energies of the third dimension, it's more important than ever for you to understand the bigger picture through astrology.  Riley's enthusiasm with this is contagious! We also have some exciting news about our expansion into publishing for Starseeds.  Arielle will talk about the upcoming books, written for Starseed empowerment for all ages.  We have so many starseeds waking up and searching for understanding, that we saw the need for a fast track galactic training handbook.  The first book will be available in less than two weeks, and it's focused on starseed children to help them put down their devices and reconnect with Mother Nature.  Lavandar will also be publishing information from her Vault, and we'll be tal