Coach Glass Podcast




In today's fast paced, sound bite while walking out the door, world we live in, you make some huge presumption. We presume that we only need to know the quote, see the video or hear just the gist to create an opinion. It is an Instagram thread of stories and images fire hosed to the back of the dome each and every day! What is the back story? Nobody got time for that! What context was it created and what was the intention behind its creation? If you walked past the open door of my gym and saw 3 reps of 1 exercise that I was doing with a specific athlete with unique needs, could you make an opinion on me as a coach? Now that sounds ridiculous doesn't it? But you can make assumptions about my age, gender, education, social status and how I like my coffee by scrolling through my social media? I heard a great mathematical equation that explains the value of the things we consume. A Instagram post takes 1 to 3minutes to create and 1-30seconds to absorb. A blog post takes 5 hours to research and write and 15-30 min