Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#189: Why are we so afraid of failing?



Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your fear of failure has actually prevented you from doing something?  If there is one thing I’ve learnt over the years, it’s that our fear of failure harms our ability to live the life we desire more than anything else. Fear causes us to feel shame, and shame ultimately traps us.  The thing is though, failure doesn’t really exist, not in the ways we think it does at least. If anything it's simply a moment or state of being that we move through. It isn’t a fixed state of reality, even though we act as if it is.  We have all failed many times, at many different things, we just don’t really carry the weight of them because…. well we’ve moved on.  So why then, do we put so much pressure on ourselves ‘to get it right’, to ‘succeed’, to ‘avoid failure’?  It’s a mind trap that we set for ourselves over and over again.  This week on the podcast, I dive into a big ‘failure’ of mine from when I was younger, how it changed the trajectory of my life and more on how the i