Topher Wiles

Family Laboratory



Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3photo credit: Dexter's LaboratoryGood morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bring you a positive Message Minute written especially for families.  I believe the family is your own personal laboratory, where moms and dads get to experiment on their children to see what hinders and what helps in bringing about the best and most well balanced adults by the time they finally fly from the nest. Last week, we noticed a little bit of ingratitude creeping into our kids, you know, that kind that just grates on your nerves because of the thanklessness, complaining, and whining that it brings.   This week, we're experimenting with what we read in our history books about the pioneer days of America.  Our children only have one toy for the entire week, they only have two changes of clothes, we don't turn on the lights and night, and our food is m