Catholic Information Center

Catholic Roots of American Religious Liberty | James Tonkowich



The American Founders had a strong belief in what was, at the time, a radical notion of religious liberty. Individuals should be free and churches should be free. Most people assume that liberty is rooted in Protestantism and the Enlightenment, yet, as Jim Tonkowich demonstrates, the fascinating and largely untold story is about Catholic thinking about the nature of the individual, the state, and the Church. Jim Tonkowich is the author of The Liberty Threat: The Attack on Religious Freedom in America Today. A writer, commentator, and speaker focusing on the role of religion in our public life, Jim is a regular columnist at The Stream and writes a daily devotional at In addition to writing, Jim serves at Wyoming Catholic College as Special Advisor to the President for Strategic Initiatives and Director of Distance Learning. He and his wife live near Washington, DC.