Women In The Business Arena

Simplify Your Marketing | Growth Tip #7



When it comes to marketing, so many of us are doing Too Much. Social media, networking events, client calls, live video: the options are practically infinite. Trying to be everywhere at once is a recipe for disillusionment and burnout. Diluting ourselves doesn’t just sap our life force, it wastes our time and waters down our impact. This week, we continue our season’s theme around how Growth is a Removal Process. We ask a vital question.  How can you simplify your marketing to increase your impact, conserve your energy, and meet your ideal clients where they are? I’m excited to explore this topic with Nedra Rezinas. Nedra is a marketing consultant who helps service-based entrepreneurs learn to delegate and outsource so they can scale their business and do more work in their “zone of genius”. She has over 20 years of direct experience in marketing and online business, specializing in developing custom marketing strategies that attract high-value clients. Join us as we discuss:  Why it’s so important