Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP 166 : Remembering Lemuria



Hey Spirit Girls! This weeks episode is all about Accessing & Activating Lemuria, So we can remember the consciousness that is needing to be brought forward into our world today!Lemuria was all about deep empathy, compassion, connection, healing, unity, love and oneness...The medicine our collective is needing.When we connect with Lemuria, We can re-access & re-activate past lives our soul's have had in Lemuria, We can re-embody the consciousness ... And together, Create our new earth.Listen now and see if you feel drawn to joining us for the 'Accessing & Activating Lemuria' Live Session, Where I'll be Channeling messages from Lemuria & Guiding us all through a past life regression...Portal entry fee is $13.13USD and you can register here: Bit.ly/accessingactivatinglemuria(Also I mentioned in the start of the episode, The Plant Reiki session I had with Lauren Schlansky, And if you feel drawn to having your own experience, You can follow her on Instagram @laurenschlansky where the link is in he