Griffith In Asia

Exploring Asia | Aid, volunteering and development in the Asia Pacific region



Many of us seek to make a difference in our world. But how can you? There are many opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region to volunteer and engage in development work. However, practices such as ‘orphanage tourism’ are marketed to mislead willing people to engage in work that is actually harmful to the local community. How do we know where to start, and what advice can we learn from those who have volunteered and worked in the area of development for years? Griffith student Anna Stirling, Ruth Larwill, CEO of Bloom Asia and Monique White share their experience to ensure you get the best out of your volunteering experience while making a difference to the community. This session will is facilitated by Gabi Cooper and Julia Hill. Speakers: Anna Stirling is a New Colombo Plan Scholar for 2020 and studies a Bachelor of Laws/Government and International Relations at Griffith University. She has spent time volunteering in Cambodia, East Asia and the Philippines. When she was 15, she spent time in Cambodia wit