Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

140 From Corporate CEO to Spiritual Retreat Founder



How do you move from being the chief executive officer of a large advertising Health Network in New York, with 100 people under your command, to being a medicine woman, a galactic Queen, and a channel of light and love? It sounds like an extreme case of juxtaposition, but the two actually existed side by side for quite some time in June’s life. It was only when homeward bound after COVID hit in New York, and spending time on her spiritual retreat in Topi Topi in country New South Wales, that June realised that her desire for the latter had overtaken the former, and that it was time to step fully into her next chapter, and use the gifts that had been bestowed upon her. This is a story of change of doubt, of fear, but more importantly, of trust, and how to really connect to and follow your heart so that you can step fully into the future that is calling you. Show Notes Challenges are a gift. We need to be buffeted and tested since we are here to grow Find your people, your tribe, the ones you can learn from-