Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

All Alone & Nowhere to Turn



When we hit rock bottom, we often want to just give up. The great prophet Elijah experienced one of the most magnificent displays of God’s power on earth, but then quickly he hit rock bottom as despair and depression overwhelmed him. Elijah wanted to die, but God met him in his darkness to restore him. We must not give up hope and faith that God is ever with us. QUESTIONS 1. Describe a time when you received a bad report and fear or anxiety gripped your mind and heart. 2. Have you ever experienced despair or depression? How did it affect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually? 3. When battling fear, anxiety, or depression, how can you take care of yourself physically and emotionally? 4. Discuss this statement: “God had a journey of healing and restoration for Elijah that would require time. Healing can be instantaneous, but most often it is a journey, especially when it comes to emotional and spiritual healing.” 5. As followers of Jesus, how can we help those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts?