A.k. 47 - Selections From The Works Of Alexandra Kollontai

41 - A.K. 47 - Bonus Episode - A Conversation about Kollontai with Angelina Eimannsberger



In this bonus episode, Kristen Ghodsee speaks once again with Angelina Eimannsberger, a doctoral student in Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, about Alexandra Kollontai and the usefulness of her theories today, particularly with regard to popular culture. Mentioned in this episode are Reese Witherspoon's production company, Hello Sunshine, and the political economy of feminist media today. Also discussed is Kollontai's hierarchy of life priorities for what she calls the "New Woman." First should come some form of meaningful work for the collective progress of society. Second should come friendships, and only third should come love and romance. Kollontai believes that too many women put love and romance in the first place and this undermines them as individual personalities. Eimannsberger also discusses Kollontai's critical review of fiction with strong female characters, and notes that most of the writer's who crafted these characters in Kollontai's ti