Authentic Influence

How do you market and sell your services as a Projector? (Human Design)



Have you ever wondered why it feels icky or awkward to promote and sell your services? Have you observed that the methods and tactics that marketers and sales trainers teach just don't seem to resonate with you, no matter how hard or often you try them? Chances are that you are a human design Projector, or that you resonate with the idea of being one. You have the opportunity to communicate with and influence people all over the world by inviting them into your life, your vision, and your business. But you don't like the idea of having to sit around and "wait for the invitation". So how do you market and sell your services as a Projector? In this episode, I'll give you some ideas. Resources mentioned: Ra Uru Hu and the origin story of the Human Design System A Critique of the Human Design System The Truth About Projector Recognition and Invitations https://www.humandesignforsucc