Authentic Influence

How do I sell my high ticket coaching program to my free community?



In this episode, women's leadership & transformational coach and facilitator Lina Mbirkou asks - what's the best way to offer my high-ticket program to my community? Should I offer some lower-priced workshops in between? To help answer this question, I invited successful book publishing coach Natasa Denman to share what's worked for her high-ticket programs. I also offer some of my own insights. Enjoy!  00:48 Lina asks a question about high-ticket coaching offers 01:17 Factors that increase the likelihood of people buying your offer 04:40 Questions to consider when selling a high-ticket coaching program 08:03 What worked for a successful book publishing coach to sell her $20K program  14:05 A proven strategy for selling high-ticket coaching and final thoughts  Connect with me: - Join the Authentic Influence community: - Subscribe to my newsletter: - Want free coaching? Submit your question: https://anchor.