Authentic Influence

Lessons from building and marketing a purpose driven business with Sandra D'Souza



Want some ideas to help you build and market your purpose-driven business? In this episode we chat with Sandra D’Souza, Founder and CEO of Elect about: 02:02 How Sandra identified her purpose 04:50 What’s the difference between a “social enterprise” and “purpose-driven business”? 08:46 How Sandra decided on the business model for her purpose-driven business 18:03 Lessons from failure 20:58 How Sandra spread the word about her purpose-driven business and the surprising impact of COVID-19 25:57 How Sandra leveraged LinkedIn to grow Ellect About Sandra D’Souza Sandra has been advocating for women’s rights ever since she was a teenager. She is the recipient of the Edna Ryan Award for Mentoring (for the advancement of women) in 2008 and was shortlisted for NSW Women Awards in 2018. In 2002 she became part of the executive team with BPW (an NGO called Business and Professional Women) starting out in Vice-President roles in BPW Sydney to State President for BPW NSW in 2006 to 2009 to Executive Director on BPW Inter