Ko Sales Coach

Self-Limiting Beliefs



Put Your Mind To It Ever heard someone say "You can do anything you put your mind to?" It's a common phrase and it's really true. So much of your success or failure comes down to what you put your mind to. How is your mindset? Is your inner voice supportive and encouraging or questioning and doubtful? On today's show discover: ...how self-limiting beliefs influence your behavior and your success; ...that many of them simply aren’t true; ... and that When you stop limiting your belief in yourself there's no limit to what you can accomplish. Self-Limiting Beliefs How could two salespeople, with the same skills, same amount of experience and opportunity have wildly different results?  What could cause such a disparity in sales performance? When a salesperson has doubt or self limiting beliefs it can undermine all of the training and knowledge they have resulting in poor performance. These self-limiting beliefs become a part of your inner dialog and you find yourself engaged in self talk like "I know she's not