Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Dealing With Injuries



Getting hurt is part of having a body, especially if you're one of those crazy people who likes to actually use yours! They key is to be smart about it when it happens so you can come back quickly and as strong as ever.The problem is there's a lot of stupidness in the fitness world when it comes to pain and injury. "No pain, no gain!" might look great on the wall of high school weight room, but it's terrible advice when you've got a busted shoulder.In this episode, GMB's Chief Pain Whisperer Jarlo Ilano is joined by Lead Trainer Rose Calucchia to help unstupid the fitness world about injury and pain. They'll help you understand what your pain is trying to tell you, when to rest vs. get back at it, and the not-so-secret key to recovery that everyone tries to ignore.Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show (