Women In The Business Arena

Re-evaluate Your Relationships | Growth Tip #10



When it comes to relationships, women leaders are expected to be healers. We’re taught to smooth ruffled feathers, soothe old wounds, and repair breaks and tears. But that repair work takes enormous energy. If you’re wasting it on propping up relationships that no longer nourish you, what do you have left for the people who make your heart feel full? Laura and I are wrapping up our season on Growth as a Removal Process by looking at the connections we have with other people, and why we hold onto them even when they aren’t good for us. We’re giving ourselves and our listeners permission to evaluate our relationships honestly, to prioritize our time and energy, and to evolve or let go of connections that take more from us than they give. Join us as we discuss:  Why it’s so difficult to think about making changes to a relationship, and how fear of that change can short-circuit our attempts to understand its impact. Listening to the vital messages we get from our bodies about how our relationships affect us.