Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

6 of 30: Ever get caught up in the “I need to’s”? EP 137



At any given moment, I get caught up in all the things I think I need to do, the person I think I need to be, or any of the other things I think I need. The truth is, I don’t need to do any of it. We I am diligent in my inner work, the “things” that are important in the moment rise to the top. Whatever I’m supposed to do that day becomes apparent and it’s easy to decipher. I don’t need to get caught up in who I think I need to be or even more insidious, who you think I should be. If you know anyone that would find this message valuable, be sure to share it with them. And as always, give us a follow on your favorite podcast platform. You can find us at K Preston Moore Instagram @kprestonmoore Facebook: Facebook Group: Linkedin: Spotify: Apple Podcast: