Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

3 of 30: I wasn’t expecting him to share that EP 134



Have you ever shared something that is true but after you say it, you get really uncomfortable with people knowing that about you!? Well, this is one of those episodes. Today, I talk about a hang up I have with hearing feedback from people that are too close to me… ie: family. And talk about the value of experiential personal development versus intellectual personal development. And, I give my wife some shine. I know what she does for a living, I know she helps people everyday, but I’ve never been able to experience what Sarah does without this weird biased lens that I typically see her through. Yesterday I watched a video of her leading a group through one of her experiential PumpUp sessions and I was shocked at how good it was. As always, we would love to hear from you. If you know someone that would benefit from hearing this message, be sure to share it with them. And give us a follow for reading on your favorite podcast. We love you. You can find Sarah at @moore.soul.sessions