Farrier Focus Podcast

Interview with Dr. Simon Curtis, FWCF, Ph.D.



In this episode, we talk with Dr. Simon Curtis, FWCF, PhD. He has been shoeing horses for 46 years. He is a Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers by examination. Based in Newmarket, Simon has been a farrier since 1972. He is a 4th generation farrier. His family have been farriers and blacksmiths on the Cambridgeshire and Suffolk border for the past 150 years. He is a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Farriers (2001-2002). He has been awarded an Honorary Associateship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. This is the first time that any farrier has received such an honour. He has published 3 text books and has been published in numerous journals. In 2005 Simon was inducted into “The Farriers Hall of Fame” in the Kentucky Derby Museum, Louisville, USA. In this episode, Dr. Curtis talks about his apprenticeship, early mistakes he made and what he learned from them, his association with Dr. Doug Butler, experiences with shoeing the Queen's horses, and other experiences throughout his career.