Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Spend Less



When we allow Christmas to revolve around possessions, barriers are raised between our true selves and God’s command to love him above all things. Our Advent becomes less about preparing for Jesus and more about the busy schedules and expectations we’re carrying. Our hearts feel dissatisfied and are searching for something that can’t be bought in a store. So, we spend less. Instead of mindlessly shopping and spending more than we can afford, we take the time to think about our purchases. We resist the empire of more and declare that Jesus is worthy of our praise. By conserving some of the resources we would spend on material gifts, we can use them to make a bigger impact by giving to someone in need or making memories with those we love. This is more than just an invitation to say no to overspending, this is an invitation to a new way of celebrating. This year we can start a new tradition of spending compassionately and responsibly. QUESTIONS • The authors of Advent Conspiracy suggest that the fastest growi