Native Voice One - The Native American Radio Network

2021 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Day 1



The 63rd Annual Wrangler National Finals Rodeo kicked off in Las Vegas, Nevada for the 36th time since 1985. The prestigious event will crown the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association 2021 world champions in each of the seven standard events, including the barrel racing sanctioned by the Women's Professional Rodeo Association. We will cover our American Indian contestants and all the winning cowboys and cowgirls throughout the 10 rounds of competition paying $26,996.97 to win each day, with the best on 10 worth $69,234 towards the title in each event. The coveted gold buckle and world standings in each event include both the season and WNFR prize money earned. We have results and interviews with winners of go-round number one, December 2, 2021 for the Wrangler Fall Sports Specials on Native Voice One Radio Network.