Grit And Grace

What's Your 2022 Vision?



Now is the perfect time to do the important work of setting your goals for the coming year, solidify what you desire, and how you will bring that manifestation into your life. It’s an important process, and Tahverlee gives us some “extra juice” with this 4-step journey to bring your intentions forth.This process is essential and should not be undertaken all in one day. Sit with it, be still with it, contemplate all that your body feels, and then create your 2022 vision. Most of this work requires you to write in your journal. But you may be a creative person who uses other mediums such as art, music, or even just walking in nature. Do what’s best for you.Step 1 - Start with the deep and powerful process of a Truth Ceremony. Write out your truths from this past year and then release them by burning them or giving them back to the earth by burying it.Step 2 – The Yes, More, Please Ritual. Out of your experiences from this year, identify the things that felt really, really good. You might find certain things in