Starseed Radio Academy

Star Being in the Mirror: My Journey as a Hybrid



Jacquelin Smith, B.A., C.HT, is an internationally known star and animal communicator, light linguist and author who lives in Ohio. She’s been communicating with star beings, interdimensional beings, and animals since early childhood. Jacquelin has done private consults and taught classes for over 40 years. She communicates with a wide variety of star races:  Tall White Zeta Masters, Mantis beings, Arcturians, Zetas, Dolphins, Celestials, and many others.  She is the author of "Animal Communication: Our Sacred Connection with Animals", "Star Origins and Wisdom of Animals", and "Star Being in the Mirror: My Journey as a Hybrid". She has had many articles published in magazines and has been interviewed for a number of books. Jacquelin has done hundreds of radio and online interviews. She has also developed an E course, “How to Telepathically Communicate With Star Beings and Better Understand Who They Are.” Jacquelin offers light language sessions where star beings and other beings of light come through her to a