Macro Matters

NAM Talks - Should You Worry About Inflation? Not Necessarily - For professional investors only



For professionals only NAM talks Disclaimer: Nordea Asset Management is the functional name of the asset management business conducted by the legal entities Nordea Investment Funds S.A. and Nordea Investment Management AB (“the Legal Entities”) and their branches and subsidiaries. This podcast is advertising material and is intended to provide the reader with information on Nordea’s specific capabilities. This podcast (or any views or opinions expressed in this podcast) does not amount to an investment advice nor does it constitute a recommendation to invest in any financial product, investment structure or instrument, to enter into or unwind any transaction or to participate in any particular trading strategy. This podcast is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instruments or to participate to any such trading strategy. Any such offering may be made only by an Offering Memorandum, or any similar contractual arrangement. This podcast is furnished on a co