Couch Riffs

Ep. 10: Shane Enholm (Santa Clarita Tattoo)



I'm honestly not sure how this slipped by and went unpublished until now. I mean, Shane recorded the intro that I use on every single podcast for crying out loud. At any rate, Shane Enholm is an open book and anyone willing to read the big words (and the subtext) through his many social media posts, mostly IG videos, already feel like they know him. I certainly did. But, each time that you tune in to his videos or you talk with Shane you learn some insanely interesting little tidbit about him, his life, or the things in his life that he has read up on and studied.  Shane clearly paved a rough road in his earlier life. Unlike many others before and after him he was fortunate enough to make it through and turn himself around and tune his life up, changing his attitude and outlook. Admittedly, many of his instagram stories can be taken in a number of different ways if you only take them at face value. However, Shane is one of the realest dudes I've ever met and his stories are not brags or boasts. He states hims