French Blabla

Une pluie d'étoiles - Episode 04



In the fourth episode of our Christmas story, all of our characters got together. Nobody seems to be there for them... are they waiting for somebody? What will happen to them in the middle of the night?   Useful Episode Resources Grab today's transcription here.     FREE audio training to help you understand spoken French Want to understand when French people speak? Sound more natural? Have a better and smoother pronunciation? Well, you can do that with this free audio training. It will give you the tips and secrets to speak more like a native. Grab your FREE training here.     Join the Blabla Club Not sick of me yet? Every day I hang out in my amazing community of French learners. If you’re looking for a warm, encouraging, community-driven space where you can regularly engage other French learners, discuss curated web content, participate in grammar and vocabulary challenges, and build connections and habits that make French-learning part of your everyday lifestyle, come and check out The Blabla Club. It's t