Talk Python To Me - Python Conversations For Passionate Developers

#346: 20 Recommended Packages in Review



Do you enjoy the "final 2 questions" I always ask at the end of the show? I think it's a great way to track the currents of the Python community. This episode focuses in on one of those questions: "What notable PyPI package have you come across recently? Not necessarily the most popular one but something that delighted you and people should know about?" Our guest, Antonio Andrade put together a GitHub repository cataloging guests' response to this question over the past couple of years. So I invited him to come share the packages covered there. We touch on over 40 packages during this episode so I'm sure you'll learn a few new gems to incorporate into your workflow. Links from the show Antonio on Twitter: @AntonioAndrade Notable PyPI Package Repo: Antonio's recommended packages from this episode: Sumy: Extract summary from HTML pages or plain texts: gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech): Packages discussed during the episode 1. FastAPI